Helmut Rathgen
Physics of Complex Fluids
University of Twente
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
Tel +31 53 489 3093
[1] | Helmut Rathgen, Kazuyasu Sugiyama, Claus-Dieter Ohl, Detlef Lohse, and Frieder Mugele. Nanometer-resolved collective micromeniscus oscillations through optical diffraction. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:214501, 2007. [ bib | http | .pdf ] |
[2] | Helmut Rathgen, Kazuyasu Sugiyama, and Frieder Mugele. Optics with superhydrophobic surfaces - a new class of switches and sensors. In Frontiers in Optics, 2007. paper PDP-A1. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[3] | K.M. van Delft, J.C.T. Eijkel, T.S. Druzhinina D. Mijatovic, H. Rathgen, N.R. Tas, A. van den Berg, and F. Mugele. Micromachined Fabry-Pérot interferometer with embedded nanochannels for nanoscale fluid dynamics. Nano Lett., 7:345, 2007. [ bib | http | .pdf ] |
[4] | Roald M. Tiggelaar, Fernando Benito-López, Dorothee C. Hermesa, Helmut Rathgen, Richard J.M. Egberink, Frieder G. Mugele, David N. Reinhoudt, Albert van den Berg, Willem Verboom, and Han J.G.E. Gardeniers. Fabrication, mechanical testing and application of high-pressure glass microreactor chips. Chem. Eng. J., 131:163-170, 2007. [ bib | http | .pdf ] |
[5] | Helmut Rathgen, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Olle Eriksson, and Gertrud Zwicknagl. Polar magneto-optical Kerr effect for low-symmetric ferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B, 72:014451, 2005. [ bib | http | .pdf ] |
[6] | Helmut Rathgen and M. I. Katsnelson. Symmetry Assumptions, Kramers-Kronig Transformation and Analytical Continuation in Ab Initio Calculations of Optical Conductivities. Phys. Scripta, T109:170-173, 2004. [ bib | http | .pdf ] |